Friday 19 June 2009

Womble reports .....

Day Zero - the Big Day dawns

After an uneventful (having forgotten the "Don't eat at Little Chef" rule) and glorious weather, we got to Land's End just after 5. It was shut. *The* signpost had gone home for the night and even the seagulls couldn't be bothered to hassle the lost souls wandering about. We established that the post would return at 10am. So much for an early start.

Things looked up when we got the Youth Hostel at St Just. A family room for the two of us, they did meals and had some nice beer. View from the garden was lovely too.

Day One It's really happening
Got to LE early and managed a cup of coffee at the hotel ("We don't normally open to non-residents until 10"). I think the whole place opens at 10, not that there's much to see. The 'official picture left us £9.50 lighter but they did at least then let us take some of our own too.

Finally met up with Liz who's both a forum friend as well as sister of a club-mate. She'd cycled into a stiff headwind from Penzance to see me off. Unlike yesterday, this was grey, nasty and very windy.

So, at 10.36 the journey began. Shortly after so did the rain. It stayed until late afternoon. Flaming June, eh? Mike drove to Redruth station and caught the train back to Penzance where we had lunch. The soggy frog then joined me for 18.22 miles which is not bad considering he'd just done South Downs marathon and no walk training. My feet weren't too bad at all. We drove to Illogan YH, seemingly to share with only one other couple. No meals here so we'd raided Tesco. Just a dorm for 8 to ourselves this time, with only outdoor mobile coverage!

Day Two I like windfarms

Back to Redruth station where the ticket lady was bemused by my request to stamp my verification form. Lunch in a pub somewhere(!) then Mike drove on to our b&b in Bodmin and cycled back. We rendezvous-ed at Indian Queens for afternoon tea (petrol station machine tea and coffee, sandwich for him and flapjack for me) We know how to live.

I wondered if some people run a b&b just so they can show people how 'nice' their house is. A very small room and lots of instructions to remember. Bodmin seemed to be shut the whole time we were there. We ate at Bodmin Jail, an interesting setting no doubt. Food was good although I thought a bit expensive. Restaurant was in the old chapel and I don't think they could decide on a style so it was an odd mixture of carved wood (gothic), nautical items including a rope pattern in the carpet and some art deco (I think) splashes. Very odd. I don't think Kevin would approve.

Feet starting to hurt and a total of 4 compeed had been applied by the end of the day.

More to follow but not tonight. It's been a hard day and my feet really hurt. Just over 30 miles.


  1. Well done! Shame about having to pay so much for your official photo at LE. I never knew Illogan had a Youth Hostel, next time you do it (!) there's a great pasty shop there if you didn't pass it this time. Hope to keep up with your journey... Kwilter xx

  2. well done - take care of those feet!

  3. Lands end is bizarre! Why do they have a "Doctor Who" exhibition there?
