Monday 22 June 2009

Story So Far

Day 1 lovely. It rained. Fledgling blister on left heel, hardly visible but in one of usual places.

Day 2 sunny, put precautionary compeed on baby blister. By the evening it was becoming a potentially troublesome teen and three new friends had arrived.

Day 3 feet starting to hurt. A lot. Stopped early, feeling quite ill. Left knee had started to twinge with all the walking on a camber. Reached Devon at 17.05.

Day 4 Saturday said goodbye to Mike as he took my bag to Tiverton. He dropped me back at yesterday's stop point. Lunch in Okehampton so I was back where I'd started in the morning! Got to Tiverton by cab for last few miles although I had a pint in a nice pub while waiting. Didn't like the b&b. Spotted swollen knee when I got in the bath.

Day 5 Yesterday I'd felt sick in the morning as I was really worried that I'd f**ked up already. Today I just wanted to cry and for Mike to come back and tell me it would be ok. Made it to Bridgwater - again by cab at the end (nice interesting Persian called Amir). Asked nice b&b man if I could stay two nights instead of one. Got to Somerset at 19.20.

Day 6 mostly overcast although a bit claggy at times! Went out and caught up on miles with a relatively short 18! Taunton seems to have only one pub that does food and it looked awful. Another was happy to provide ice for my knee and let me eat a sandwich procured elsewhere. In return I bought a pint of Stella for £2.50! Knee went through very dodgy patch in afternoon but then decided to cooperate. I bought it a bag of ice as reward.

So, I've dropped a day but am on schedule in relation to where the accommodation and walking are. I have learned that I must get out earlier in the morning.

Onwards and upwards! And thanks for all the messages, it's really lovely to hear from people x


  1. Hi Karen,
    congratulations on a great start to the journey! I have read that the first week is by far the hardest. Good luck! Peter

  2. Keep goin, its not sposed to be easy, u're doin fab
    Heather xx

  3. its amazing how something as banal sounding as a blister can be so serious.take care of the knee
