Well, let me explain my madness. Yesterday I took the photos as I was able to take off all the dressings safely and leave my poor paws out for a bit of natural healing in the air. To give you the gory detail, pretty much all of the wounds had stopped weeping or oozing and I even braved the night without painkillers.
While tottering around Kendal, I'd also equipped myself with all manner of cushioning articles, guaranteed to see my feet floating along. So, why not think about a little plod?
The plan was to go to Carnforth, setting for a scene in 'Brief Encounter' as well as seeming to be a trainspotters' heaven for some reason, and walk back from there. This involved the 09.01 from Kendal, the 09.11 at Oxenholme and then the 09.39 from Lancaster. Those of you with a map (or google) will see that I had to go through Carnforth and then go back to it. Grrr
I forgot my suntan lotion so bought the smallest bottle I could find and, more importantly but unknown until much later in the day, I left my cashcard in the machine after checking my balance. Finally, I was on my way.
It was hot, not like it was for those poor people in London but still a tad warm and sweaty. Walking was slow and ungainly. You only realise things when you try. I found that I was avoiding heel-striking on both feet. So I probably looked like I had a strange, flat-footed way of moving. The fore-foot cushions seemed to be helping although I was worried they might slide up the foot on the downhills.
I was making progress but never got into a more efficient stride. I'd opted for little yellow roads so didn't have to worry terribly much about traffic. Now, you may wonder why I would walk on roads rather than footpaths. The thing is, road surfaces tend to be a damn sight flatter and more even than footpaths. Uneven surfaces hurt my feet.
I nearly came to a premature and sticky end! Standing on a corner, checking I wasn't about to go the wrong way, I made to move and thought 'Oh no, I've stood in something' (wouldn't be the first time). Anyway, I was sinking into the hot tarmac!!! I got going before it was too late. Didn't want to ring 999 again!
Had lunch at The Wheatsheaf in Beetham. I know these places have to make a living but I'd love to look at where the costs are in supplying a cheese sandwich and how much extra it would be to provide MORE BLOODY FOOD for my money
After lunch, fore-foot bits just in front of the toes were starting to hurt. This is where some of the major blisters have been. I continued and it clouded over a bit so it wasn't quite so hot. You could even enjoy the scenery.
Although hang on, I love the Lake District and there's definitely been a lot of money spent here in the years since I last passed lots of time here. However, there were some sympathetic restorations of previously dilapidated stone buildings but I saw some horrible examples of plastic double glazing, feature windows slotted in but not matching the shape of the building and other crimes. I'm not one of those who objects to new building styles but I do think renovation and restoration, especially in a place so beautiful, should be done properly. Blame Kevin!!!
Then came the phone call from Carnforth Halifax, could I pop back in to collect my card? Err, no. Can you put it in the post tonight, please? Cancelling and issuing another really not being an option...... Fingers crossed that it arrives tomorrow. I've primed the chap in the downstairs flat as he seems to get all the post whatever is on the envelope.
My feet were starting to throb and there was still about 2-3 miles to go. Brainwave! I'll try this hitch-hiking lark for the first time in my life! And you know what? Yet again, it was a couple of young lads (ironically on their way home from Carnforth) who gave me a lift. Dropped me off at the beginning of Kendal where I had about half a mile left to do. The youth of today really aren't as they are painted.
So, I de-shoed and examined the damage. Both heels had oozed a bit. Left little toe was sticking out like the proverbial but it's been trying to complain for a few days. The fore-foot blister pads both felt warm to the touch, so perhaps still mending. Hmmm. Was thinking of another walk-ette tomorrow, but I might wait and see how they feel in the morning
I've had a nice bath though so not quite so smelly! With dressings on my feet it's been difficult to wash.....
I'll get back to you soon x